I have taught festive fresco lectures and workshops worldwide. The presentations are light-hearted, humorous and appeal to all ages. The diverse groups include fresco lectures for Bradford University, Bradford, UK for 150 archeology students in Pompeii, Italy. Corporations include artist groups from Hallmark Cards, Inc.in the Kearney Studio of Kansas City, Missouri.

Lectures last one hour and are accompanied by a PowerPoint show, booklets and handouts. Workshops last one to two days with each student creating an authentic small fresco and installed public art frescoes. The enthusiasm involved in learning about storytelling frescoes is delightful and inspiring.

Audiences range from 150 students to a small group of eight. Age groups range from 7 years old to treasured senior citizens.

Fresco lectures and workshops have been taught in universities, grade schools, high schools, corporations, diverse small groups, churches and handicapped groups. A complete list with
photos from past fresco lectures and workshops is available on request.

Please e-mail for information and booking schedule at: JLBAER@sbcglobal.net